Quad Runner Excursion in Sharm el Sheikh

Quad Biking and camel ride in Sharm el Sheikh Desert. Enjoy with book tour egypt A wonderful Trip Quad Runner and camel ride through the desert of Шарм ел Шеик, watch a fantastic view for the sunset and explore
Bedouin life, Quad Biking Sharm Desert.


  • Enjoy exciting quad bike ride in the egyptian desert from Sharm el Sheikh
  • Забаван начин да истражите Синајску пустињу тркајући се по песку на свом четвороточкашу
  • Савршено искуство за породице
  • Јашите камилу кроз пустињу пре него што уживате у чају у бедуинском шатору


If you’ve ever seen photos or videos of someone ramping sand dunes with quads and wanted to try it yourself, well now’s your chance. Watch a fantastic view for the sunset and explore Bedouin life, Quad Biking and Safari in Sharm Desert

It’s an experience you’ll never forget. Amp up your vacation with an absolutely fantastic excursion through the desert on a quad bike!

This particular safari and quad excursion takes you from start to finish of your day where you begin first by picking your quad bikes and riding them through the desert and the mountains.

There are stops for drinks and food at a Bedouin tent and you continue on your journey from before taking the quads back to the rental center and being driven to your hotel!

Quad Runner excursion in Šarm el Šeik is truly an experience no one should miss because the beauty and serenity of the desert is something that you don’t find anywh ere else!

Included in the price

  • Bedouin Tea
  • Quad Runner
  • Camel ride

Not included in the price

  • Tous les extras non mentionnés dans le programme
  • 1 USD per Person extra nature reserve of protecting the desert area.

Узети заједно

  • Scarf
  • Sport shoes
  • Occhiali da sole e cappello
  • крема за сунчање
  • Флаша воде


  • Prevoz u klimatizovanom kombiju
  • Vodič za obilazak pustinjskog safarija koji govori engleski
  • Kvad bicikl – po jedan za svaku osobu
  • Pokupite usluge
  • Neki dodaci nisu pomenuti u itinereru


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