Обилазак пирамида и Саккаре из Александрије

Specially designed for cruise ship passengers, this full-day guided tour from Alexandria Port includes visits to Giza and Sakkara, plus a shopping trip to atmospheric, centuries-old Khan El-Khalili bazaar. Tick off the country’s most iconic pyramids in a single day, including the world’s oldest stepped structure. Tours include a tasty restaurant lunch in Cairo and door-to-door, air-conditioned vehicle transfers.


  • Зачудите се чувеним великим египатским пирамидама на висоравни Гиза
  • Истражите храм у долини и древну сфингу
  • Погледајте древну Џосерову степенасту пирамиду у Саккари


Your guide and manager will be waiting for you outside the Cruise docking spot. They will be holding a sign showing your name. It will be quite easy for you to identify them. Then you will proceed to your vehicle and start your tour.

Пирамиде у Гизи

your guide will talk to you not only about history of ancient Egypt, but also about modern Egypt, Life, religion, politics and all aspects of Life in the country. The journey from Александрија Port to Cairo will take (Approx. 3 Hours). visit The Pyramids of Cheops, Chephren and Mykerinus. Then visit The Great Sphinx which is The head of Pharaoh with a lion’s body Then drive to panorama area to take memorable photos of the three pyramids together, the tour also includes a visit to the valley temple,

Saqqara (Sakkara) Pyramids

Enjoy Lunch at local restaurant in Cairo, Continue to Saqqara, visit the step Pyramids of Zoer, the world’s oldest major stone structure, , at the end of your Pyramids and Saqqara Tours from Alexandria Port, drive back to your Cruise Ship .

Узети заједно

  • Camera
  • Warm clothes in winter
  • Light clothing in summer
  • sunglasses
  • Solid shoes
  • Headgear


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